VX GroutMaster 60

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VX GroutMaster 60 is a special mortar material (cement + sand). It is non-shrinkage, easy to flow, and has extremely high compressive strength. Designed to fill permanent voids, such as beneath critical machine base plates, holes in concrete structures, beneath beam support plates on bridges, precast concrete panels, gaps beneath steel column feet, pre-stressed concrete beams, anchor bolts, and for repairing deteriorated vertical concrete surfaces such as columns or walls.


– No shrinkage caused by cement and water, thus preventing cracking.
– No bleeding, ensuring water retention within the mix.
– No segregation, preventing sand from settling at the bottom of the mix.
– Easy flowability allowing compaction without the need for vibrators.
– Extremely high compressive strength serving as a high safety factor.
– Dense and relatively waterproof, guaranteeing the attainment of permanent high strength.