VX AcrylMaster Gel Product Detail

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MicrAtec SE-SV

Easy transit: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant across the entire movement cycle
3mm minimum visible line width between finishes
VAMAC versions of these joints are London Underground Limited 1-085 ‘Fire Safety Performance of Materials’ tested and approved for below ground applications such as metro stations.


Traffic Frequency per day

Excellent movement capacity for profile width


MicrAtec is a unique movement joint for all floors with hard finishes, from industrial floors to living rooms. The profile replaces the well-known sealant joint and other smaller profiles in floors.


Additional information

Sightline width(s)

3, 5, 7 mm


25, 50, 75, 100 mm

Seal colour(s)

Black (RAL 7021)
Grey (RAL 7038)
Beige (RAL 1015)

Metal type(s)

Stainless Steel, Brass

Pre-assembly in factory

Not applicable

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