
Specifiers often overlook the fact that expansion joints in floors can fail to meet the demands of current international Disability legislation. Accessibility and International Disability Legislation Three pieces of Disability legislation serve to present the worst case scenario for any designer specifying an expansion joint in a floor. These are respectively the Americans with Disabilities […]

Fire Barriers

It is vitally important that building designers consider placing fire barriers beneath expansion joints where that jointing system breaches fire compartment floors, walls and ceilings. Expansion Joints are physical breaks in the continuity of construction and, as such, pass through floors, walls and ceilings. In the event of fire these expansion gaps act as a […]


It is essential to waterproof some joints, particularly those that are used in the external envelope of a structure where driven rain and pooling of water are likely. Expansion joints that are used externally and those that are likely to be subjected to ‘wet wash-down’ such as in manufacturing facilities should be waterproofed. Some ranges of joints […]

Control Joints (part 1)

Control joints are small gaps formed in floors and walls to allow localised movements that arise from drying shrinkage, thermal gain/loss and creep. Control joints in walls For wall applications these gaps are normally filled with a sealant which is laid on a closed cell polyethylene backer rod. Care must be taken to select the […]

Control Joints (part 2)

Finishes will often crack because no consideration has been given to the structure underlying the finishes zone. Putting control joints in their place The problem with following the simple dogma of randomly forming 6 metre or 3 metre bays to suit paving aesthetics is such that finishes will often crack because no consideration has been […]

Animations MaxAtec 100

Horizontal movement of the MaxAtec 100 joint Vertical movement of the MaxAtec 100 joint Lateral movement of the MaxAtec 100 joint Rotational movement of the MaxAtec 100 joint

Product Animations

To clearly illustrate the way our movement joints facilitate movement, we have created animations: horizontal, vertical, shear and rotational movement.Take a look at the products on this page (click on the icons under ‘Animation’):

Grant Funding ERDF

Vexcolt is a lean manufacturing operation fully embracing the ideology of maximising productivity while simultaneously minimising waste within manufacturing operations. This process is underpinned and driven by the company’s Managing Director who is a 6 Sigma Black Belt and has implemented a continuous improvement programme. The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) has been an incredibly […]